Susan Reed
Advisory Board Member

Elizabeth Webber
Advisory Board Member

Nicole Hackney
Advisory Board Member
Nichole Hackney is a wife and mother living in Montague County, Texas. After graduating with a bachelor’s degree in Political Science from Oklahoma State University, Nichole homeschooled her four children beginning in 2001 in Iowa. The family moved back to Texas in 2004. Living in a remote area has encouraged the Hackney family to get to know a geographically diverse group of homeschoolers as they participate in activities from Bowie to Nocona to Gainesville to Denton, and other locations. They are involved in church life, cotillion, and karate. They have also been active in a local co-op since 2010, with Nichole serving several years on the directing board. The flexible schedule provided by home education allows Nichole to run a home business and, more recently, to fulfill a personal dream of training as a birth center assistant. Nichole and her husband, Scott, have graduated three of their children from home education, and are enjoying the final push of their youngest son’s high school career. They joyfully anticipate assisting as much as possible with their grandchildren’s educations.