In 1983, several Houston-area home-school families began Southeast Texas Home School Association, SETHSA. Three years later, in 1986, SETHSA officially incorporated as a non-profit service organization, dedicated to supporting the growing Texas home-school movement.

Eight years later, early Internet promotion pioneer and home-schooler Jube Dankworth was asked by a SETHSA board member to look into creating a vital internet presence for SETHSA. However, the group’s 1994 leadership team did not share her vision for the potential of online communications.  After much prayer and encouragement from the one board member, Jube created the forward-looking Greater Houston Area Home Educators group, which grew into several other visionary organizations, including the Texas Home Educators, the Austin Home Educators, the DFW Home Educators and Unschoolers and the San Antonio Home Educators.

All of these groups’ innovative communications channels were first offered to the Texas home-school regional groups. When these regionals declined to become part of this internet networking alliance, Jube continued to work with individual Texas home-schooling families and individual home education leaders through these online venues. Eventually, more than 20,000 home educating families across Texas became part of this pioneering online network.

With the growth of the online network over 20 years, in 2014, the SETHSA board approved a merger.  They voted to change the name and geographical scope of the SETHSA organization, launching as Texas Home Educators in 2015. With this dramatic change in direction, Jim Dankworth was welcomed aboard as the new president of Texas Home Educators, and the building of a new team commenced.

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