In the past, most statewide home education organizations were organized and supported by individual home-school families based upon the concept of shared protection against sometimes organized opposition. Protection was important because, in the early days of the modern home-schooling movement, many home-schooling families were arrested for their educational choice. As recently as 1985, prior to the Leeper decision, home schooling in Texas was not officially recognized as a legal alternative to public or private school education.

But that was 30 years ago, home education is now legal in all 50 states. 

As a 21st century support organization, THE statewide homeschool service organization, we are here to enhance your home education experience.

We let you know about events throughout the state, just sign up for our newsletter.

We advocate for homeschool with groups and media.

We serve local organizations who ask for support in staging events.

When we are asked, we providing a corporate cover for Spelling Bees and other events that need an incorporated partner.

Believing that the best way to assist in educating the people of Texas is to help the Moms to have an enriched educational experience for their children, THE brings events, communication and workshops around Texas to provide those educational experiences.

With these goals firmly in mind, Texas Home Educators is here to:

  1. Promote: If a local home-schooling group is planning a local event that will be open to non-members, Texas Home Educators stand ready to cross-promote the event to the whole home education community, and through the internet and the media, to the public at large. For instance, when a local organization plans a Homeschool Day, we will promote that event to the home education community in the geographical area within 100 miles of that event – and, through the Internet and the media, to the public in those areas. We will also be promoting the educational choice of home education to a new generation of parents and grandparents, using the Internet, the news media and face to face gatherings of parents across Texas.
  2. Partner: If a local home-schooling group needs experienced help to create and stage an event, especially in the smaller cities across Texas, we at Texas Home Educators are here to Partner Up – to assist these local groups in the creating, administrating and promoting of the event. All the local home-schooling group has to do is submit a request and we will start the dialog with planning to lead to a successful event.
  3. Provide: With the fluid nature of the Internet-linked sharing community among Texas’ home education groups, there is frequently a need for an incorporated umbrella group to vouch for, verify and handle responsibility for their ability to have an event. For example, events such as a Geography Bee, a Spelling Bee, or a History Bee require some corporation to provide registration, we are ready to serve as that incorporated umbrella group. This will insure that the event is duly recognized and officially sanctioned. We are also here to help independent home educators who are not part of any on-the-ground group to be able to participate in group events.

The Future

Texas Home Educators will continue to help Texas parents – both those who are new to home education and those who are experienced, veteran home-schooling families. We will also continue to maintain a network of information and communication between and among the leadership of regional home school organizations, local support groups, and individual home educating families.

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