Support Groups and Co-Ops:
(BCCHEA) Bell County Christian Home Educators Association
Located deep in the heart of Texas, this Christ centered group provides fellowship and moral support for families striving to teach their children at home. BCCHEA also hosts numerous activities including monthly meetings and field trips as well as Park Day. Please feel free to browse our website to learn about all the wonderful opportunities for homeschooling families.
Helping Hands Co-Op
We are a group of homeschooling families in the Central Texas area who have gathered together to support one another! We have approximately 100 families in our membership. We currently meet at Temple Bible Church. We would love to have you join us! We meet on Mondays for a 10-week session each fall and spring. Our desire is to provide supplemental educational support, academic classes, and group activities for our children.
Open Minds Homeschool Co-op
Homeschool Sports Groups:
Centex Chargers
We are a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt sports association started by homeschoolers to serve the central Texas area. We have athletes from Temple, Belton, Killeen, and the surrounding communities, and do not limit our membership geographically. In addition to the sports we currently offer, we are open to offering others if coaches volunteer for those sports