Giving your child a well rounded education is a common goal for most families. With these resources your child can enjoy sports, arts, fun and other social interactions.
Whether you are new to home education or a veteran, we hope this is a blessing to your research for homeschool resources in Cleburne, Texas.
Support Groups and Co-Ops:
Christian Home Educators of Johnson County
CHE welcomes all homeschooling families into the 2012-2013 school year. It is amazing what the Lord is doing in Johnson County and across the country. Bringing education back to the home and to the parents! With eyes wide open to the world of homeschooling in a time where even more resources are available than ever before. CHE is only one of many growing homeschool support groups in Texas. Branching out across Johnson County to tie in smaller communities and giving them the much needed support and encouraging growth and development of new homeschool support groups and services. Your family is welcomed to join at any time during the year through a membership form, no fees to participate, choose activities that fit your family’s needs, and fellowhsip with like minded families.
Homeschool Sports Groups:
Johnson County Sports Association
Johnson County Sports Association was formed to provide Home-School students with the Blessings that come from being involved in team sports. We serve both Junior High and High School age young people by providing them the opportunity to build friendships, confidence, and leadership skills. We are primarily located in Johnson County; however, we accept families from outside counties as well.
Johnson County Sports Association
Johnson County Sports Association was formed to provide Home-School students with the Blessings that come from being involved in team sports. We serve both Junior High and High School age young people by providing them the opportunity to build friendships, confidence, and leadership skills. We are primarily located in Johnson County; however, we accept families from outside counties as well.