Giving your child a well rounded education is a common goal for most families. With these resources your child can enjoy sports, arts, fun and other social interactions.
Whether you are new to home education or a veteran, we hope this is a blessing to your research for homeschool resources in Denton, Texas.
Support Groups and Co-Ops:
Denton County Homeschool Association
Denton County Home School Association provides support, networking, and enrichment events and resources to the homeschool community of Denton County while promoting and encouraging Christian character and biblical principles for parenting, marriage, home, and family. DCHSA is not a school and does not offer classes or provide curriculum.
Denton County Secular Homeschoolers
We are neither religious, nor radical, but we do happen to be homeschooling in Denton County and we welcome the opportunity to meet and share with like-minded individuals
North Texas Natural Learners
North Texas Natural Learners (NTNL) is a liberal-minded, local area, and secular support and activity group for unschoolers and other homeschoolers in and around Denton TX. This is an email loop for families who know each other to discuss activities with our children, and speak freely and ask for suggestions within a trusted community of people who know each other.
Homeschool Sports Groups:
Red River Rattlers Athletic Association
The Red River Rattler Athletic Association is dedicated to providing home school students in the North Texas/Southern Oklahoma area with the opportunity to play competitive sports in a Christian environment. Our purpose is to provide a positive, Christ- centered experience for all of our players; honoring Christ and keeping Him first.