Giving your child a well rounded education is a common goal for most families. With these resources your child can enjoy sports, arts, fun and other social interactions.
Whether you are new to home education or a veteran, we hope this is a blessing to your research for homeschool resources in El Paso, Texas.
Support Groups and Co-Ops:
EP Freedom Schoolers Co-op
Our educational cooperative was born in 2020, with a mission to serve. Bringing together a community of seasoned and new home educators, and those in between; Our goal is to support families in the social, emotional and educational development of our children. We provide weekly group classes for home educating families in our community. About our Co-Op: Cooperative Education classes are facilitated by parents. This is an opportunity to learn with and from others as well as have fun and interact with other children. Currently classes are on Wednesdays at 10:30 am and we meet at various parks and libraries around the city.
El Paso Homeschool Educators
El Paso Homeschool Educators(ELPHE) mission is to share information, aid in education growth opportunity and reinforcement for homeschool families and all interested parties. We work collectively to plan and integrate activities for homeschooled children. ELPHE is a not-for-profit made up of volunteers and does not employ anyone. ELPHE does not discriminate against race creed, color, nationality, or religious beliefs.
El Paso Homeschool Association
To reach families in El Paso and the surrounding areas in order to educate and encourage the option of home education. We do this by connecting families to local, state and national organizations that advocate for education rights as well as hosting the only homeschool conference in El Paso Texas.
El Paso Liberty Home School Network
We are a child-centered group dedicated to providing support and information for all homeschool families regardless of race, religion, teaching methods or learning styles through planned social, academic, and extracurricular activities.
Fort Bliss Homeschool Community
Fort Bliss Homeschoolers – Registered Members
This group is open to registered members of the Fort Bliss Homeschoolers. Please Private Message Valerie Frizzle-Admin or email fortblisshomeschoolers@gmail.com for questions about registration. Membership is free! Families can apply for membership by answering screening questions upon request to join and agree to the group rules. All families interested in registering are required to submit an enrollment form and background check application. Once processed and approved, membership includes access to our member-exclusive FBH group for access to field trips, events and co-op.
The Homestead Scholars Co-Op of El Paso
My idea for this homeschool co-op is a more scholarly, traditional/old-school, real life application learning experience. These classes will teach kids how to be productive and intelligent members of society. No filler or busywork but also not overly structured either! Academics: Literature Phonics, grammar, spelling Government, history, culture Arithmetic Clubs like chess, cup stacking, book club, etc. NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) Life skills: How to write and address a letter How to use a map/navigation Gardening Meal planning and grocery shopping Self-care Goal setting Emergency preparedness Safety Teamwork Communication and emotional regulation Critical thinking, logic, etc. Problem solving Financial literacy Manners Anyone that wishes to teach or assist will be welcome and lesson plans or guidelines will be provided for the academic classes. No scrambling and not knowing what to teach!
LINK Homeschool Connections
Learn. Imagine. Nurture. Kinship. LINK Homeschool Co-op (El Paso) is an inclusive, eclectic, extra-curricular, low cost option to compliment your homeschool education.
Salt & Light Co-op
A homeschool co-op for Christian families! Non-denominational. “Only by remaining focused on Christ and being obedient to Him can we expect to remain salt and light in the world.” Matthew 5:13-16
When we meet : on Tuesdays. Contact one of the admins. or Email: michjust01@yahoo.com For ages: 2-12 Where we are located: Northeast El Paso . If you’re serious about joining we will give you more information. How long is co-op: Average meetup is 2-3 hours since a lot of parents have toddlers Cost: January 2024 We plan to be a cost free Homeschooling group. No fees for classes or supplies. Free to join. Participation is a requirement. We are not a daycare. We come together to teach , come up with ideas for field trips and playdates, to encourage new and “seasoned” homeschooling families
Secular Homeschoolers of El Paso
Secular Homeschoolers of El Paso group is open to all homeschoolers, regardless of race, creed, core belief system, basic motivation for home/unschooling, hair color, marital status, gender, favorite color, etc., who share an interest in home/unschooling children in the El Paso and the surrounding area. Its purpose is to share homeschooling experiences, suggestions, and encouragement.
Soldiers of Christ: A Christian Homeschool Co-op
A homeschool co-op is a group of families who meet together and work cooperatively to achieve common goals. Co-ops can be organized around academics, social time, the arts, activities, crafts, service work, or projects — or some combination of these.
Sun City Homeschool Co-op
Welcome to the Sun City’s newest homeschool co-op. We were established in January of 2022. We strive to bring enrichment into the lives of homeschool families. We pride ourselves on our commitment to the children and our community. We do not discriminate, all families are welcome with us. Our goal is to help empower children by fostering their curiosity for learning while honoring their freedoms as American citizens.
Wild and Free El Paso
Southwest nature group. Meets weekly for hikes, park days and more. Host quarterly Book Clubs, twice a year Maker’s Markets and a monthly Moms group.
FB Groups
Far East El Paso Homeschoolers
El Paso Liberty Home School Network
Special Needs Homeschooling in El Paso
Secular Liberal Allies Educating Youth
Clubs, Scouts, Speech & Debate, Etc.:
EPCC Dual Credit Program Contact: dualcredit@epcc.edu
El Paso Homeschool Science Fair
Local Field Trip Ideas:
For Current Activities in El Paso, check out Visit El Paso
Nature Field Trips
4315 Transmountain Dr
El Paso, TX 79924
Admission Charged
Learn the history of the U.S. Border Patrol from the old west to the present. Static displays of aircraft and vehicles used by the patrol, surveillance equipment, confiscated items and more. This 10,000 square foot museum is a good stop along with the Wilderness Park Museum next door.
715 N. Oregon St., El Paso, Texas 79902
1 Arts Festival Plaza
El Paso, TX 79901
Admission Charged
Located in downtown, the museum offers a celebrated permanent collection and a regular calendar of featured exhibits.
12901 Gateway Blvd W
El Paso, TX 79928
This museum displays the colorful history of Indians, conquistadors, vaqueros, cowboys and Cavalrymen who played a role in settling the Southwest.
4301 Transmountain Dr
El Paso, TX 79924
915- 755-4332
Located on Transmountain Road near Highway 54 in Northeast El Paso, this museum tells of man’s adaptation to the desert environment. There is a mile long nature trail and great views of the mountains and valleys.
9348 Dyer St.
El Paso, TX 79924
The Natural History Museum of El Paso fills 30,000 sq. ft. with more than 300 exhibits spanning the wonders of the universe, from the progression of life on earth to the dawn of civilization to today’s marvels. Paleomania features the great international fossil collection, Tutankhamun displays treasures from one of the most famous and richest tombs ever discovered, and Starscape illustrates the cosmos with spectacular photography.
Biggs Army Air Field, Bldg 11331
El Paso, TX 79901
Hours: 9am – 4pm, weekdays, and noon – 4pm Saturday and Sunday
Admission Free
Here’s one place where the Non-Commissioned Officer gets due credit. Equipment and uniforms used by sergeants and other NCOs through the years are displayed.
305 Yaya Ln
El Paso, TX 79907
Hour: Open from 8:30am – 5pm, Tuesday – Sunday
Admission Charged
The center features a Tigua tribe museum, including its relationship to the Tiwas of Northern New Mexico, and their arts and crafts.
Bldg 5000th Fort Bliss
El Paso, TX 79916
Hours: 9am – 4:30pm daily
Admission Charged
The museum includes an outdoor weapons park, with weaponry ranging from early anti-aircraft guns to the Hawk missile.
4100 Dripping Springs Rd.
Las Cruces, NM 88011
Located 45 miles north of El Paso
Hours: 9am – 5pm, Wednesday – Sunday
Admission Charged
The museum has several exhibits on farming and ranching, plus Southwestern art exhibits. The museum offers an insect zoo and wildflower and native plant garden. Domestic animals on site include burros, churro sheep, Longhorn cattle and dairy cows. Milking demonstrations are at 11am and 3pm.
8012 Airport Rd.
Santa Teresa, NM 88008
Hours: Tuesday – Sunday 10am to 4pm
Admission Charged
Located at the Santa Teresa, New Mexico Airport, this unique museum is only 20 minutes from downtown El Paso. The warbirds of World War II and Korea, and other historic military aircraft, are displayed in a 54,000-square-foot building and the surrounding area. The collection includes the P-51 Mustang, P-38 Lightning, A26 Invader, and the German Fieseler-Storch. Among later era aircraft are the F-86 Sabre and MIG-15s.
Family Fun
El Paso, TX 79932
Game Zone is one of El Paso’s largest and finest arcade experiences. Game Zone offers cutting edge virtual reality, full motion simulator games, a western themed 8 player shooting gallery and some of the best redemption games and prizes in town. Speed Zone with over 800 feet of twists and turns spread out on over one acre, making it El Paso’s premier go-kart destination. Bumper Zone is set in 100,000 gallons of water with a small tropical island. Food Zone delivers top quality food for everyone and take out orders are welcome.
El Paso Zoo
4001 E. Paisano
El Paso, TX 79905
Hours: Open daily from 9:30am to late afternoon
Admission Charged
The zoo focuses on animals of the Americas and Asia and is home to over 175 species, including many endangered species, in 18 acres of natural habitat exhibits. Located in central El Paso near the intersection of Highway 54 and Paisano.
Western Playland Amusement Park
1249 Futurity Drive Sunland Park, NM 88063
(575) 589-3410
Hours: Open weekends in the spring and fall and Wednesday through Sunday in the summer Admission Charged
Located in Ascarate Park in El Paso, Western Playland has rides for kids of all ages. Roller coasters, water slides, trains, rides, go-carts and more in a well maintained and exceptionally clean park. This is a great place to let the kids unwind after too much time in the car!
Wyler Aerial Tramway State Park
1700 McKinley
El Paso, TX 79930
Hours: Fri, Sat–12-8; Sun–10-6
Admission Charged–$7 adults; $4 ages 4-12; 3 and under free
Seven thousand miles of Southwestern natural beauty and culture present an eagle-eye’s view atop Ranger Peak in El Paso’s Franklin Mountains. A four-minute climb treats visitors to a 946-foot vertical rise. Upon reaching the Wyler Observatory at 5,632 feet, sky-travelers spot the Hueco Mountains, New Mexico’s White Sands and Mexico.