Giving your child a well rounded education is a common goal for most families. With these resources your child can enjoy sports, arts, fun and other social interactions.
Whether you are new to home education or a veteran, we hope this is a blessing to your research for homeschool resources in Kerrville, Texas.
Support Groups and Co-Ops
Hill Country Home School Association
Welcome to Hill Country Home School Association’s home on the Web. For more information about our Association, please see the “About Our Group” link on the menu to the left side of our website.
E.N.A.A.C.T. Co-OP
The Educational Network for Academics, Arts, and Character Training (E.N.A.A.C.T) is a homeschool co-operative based in New Braunfels, TX where teachers “co-teach” with parents. Why parent-based education? Here at ENAACT Family Academy we believe that parents are God’s anointed for their children.
Homeschool Sports Groups
Clubs, Scouts, Speech & Debate, Etc.
Academies, Classes, Tutors & Stores