nacogdochesNacogdoches home education resources is a listing of homeschool support groups, homeschool classes, homeschool sports, homeschool clubs and tutors to great ideas for local field trip in the Nacogdoches area of Texas.

Giving your child a well rounded education is a common goal for most families. With these resources your child can enjoy sports, arts, fun and other social interactions.

Whether you are new to home education or a veteran, we hope this is a blessing to your research for homeschool resources in Nacogdoches, Texas.

Support Groups and Co-Ops


Jacksonville Area Xtracurriculars (JAX)

AX is a traditional-style home school cooperative. We all work together to educate our children through our own hobbies and interests. We meet weekly throughout the year, with 1 hour of class time, 15 minute snack break, and 45 minutes of unstructured social time. In addition, we also take field trips once a month. We offer classes for ages 0-18 years old. 

Nacogdoches Area Home Schoolers’ Association

The general purposes and goals of the Nacogdoches Area Christian Home Educators’ Association (NACHEA) are: To support and encourage parents educating their children at home. To provide opportunities for like-minded home schooling families to meet and develop relationships. To promote legislation in support of the parents’ primary and constitutionally guaranteed rights to educate their children. To further the appreciation of home schooling in the community through education, community involvement and media communication. To provide educational and social opportunities for the Association. May the Lord bless you as you seek the best in educating your children.


Homeschool Sports Groups



Clubs, Scouts, Speech & Debate, Etc.



Academies, Classes, Tutors & Stores



Local Field Trip Ideas:

Nacogdoches Fire Museum
P.O. Drawer 630648
202 S. Fredonia
Nacogdoches, TX 75963-0648
(936) 559-2541

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If you wish to be listed in our Resources page for free, please contact us.
   Definitions of groups here.

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