Texas Home Educators’ Library

With the Covid-19 Pandemic and the subsequent avalance of people coming to homeschooling, THE saw the need for brick and mortar libraries across Texas.  We have 2 locations willing to host our libraries.  We are in need of the software. supplies and scanners to create a Statewide Library System just for homeschoolers.  We are dedicating our Giving Tuesday fund raiser to raising $5,000 for those supplies and software.

We saw a need to provide curriculum, how to books, and whole books to homeschoolers across Texas.  With the creation of THE Library, we will be able to provide curriculum to people who cannot afford hundreds of dollars in curriculum for their children. 

With the software we are trying to purchase, we be able to intake books, have an online website for folks to check what is in our inventory, and be able to check out books.

Being responsible as a 501(c)3, we will be accepting donations for gently used curriculum, classic children’s books, and how to homeschool books.  We will ask members of this private library to donate $10 a month or 1 hour of volunteer service a month.  Investment into the library helps to avoid the abuse of someone coming into the library, checking out $500 of curriculum and never being seen or heard from again.


Our Story: Since 1986

Our organization started in 1986 as a regional homeschool organization to help new homeschoolers as the homeschool movement was just developing.  Having a heart for homeschoolers, the organization provided free homeschool handbooks, volunteer hours answering many questions on the phone, and a newsletter to let homeschoolers know about events.  In 1996, it incorporated and became a 501(c)3 non-profit service organization.  in 2014, the organization went state wide and changed it name to Texas Home Educators.  But the heart of service and dedication to helping all the homeschoolers of Texas has stayed the same.


Want a Library in Your Town?

We ask anyone who has a climate controlled room to consider starting a homeschool library in their town.  Just offer to keep the inventory secure, and allow people to come to the library once or twice a week, and we will help you start a homeschool library. 

Texas Home Eduators can provide the books, the software and the scanners.  We will train you to intake books, to scan and check out books.   This is a great opportunity for completed homeschool Moms who want to continue helping homeschoolers.

Contact us and we can get you up and running after Jan 1, 2021

Get Involved

Donate to help us get the software.  Any amount will help us reach our $5,000 goal.  Let your friends know that THE is creating homeschool libraries.   Consider hosting a library.  But right now we need donations to get this up and running.  Thank you for reading all the way down to this point.

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