PEACH Used Book Sale   

Our Annual PEACH Used Book Sale will be hosted in Saturday, April 26, 2014 at the church of Christ on McDermott Road

PEACH members can reserve a table for $3 and non-members may reserve a table for $5 to sell books. We encourage you to team up with another person to sell books.

Volunteers assist in setting up tables and chairs beginning at 10am and and to break down and clean up at 3pm.
Arrival time is 10AM for volunteers to stack chairs and set out tables. Sellers may arrive at anytime prior to 10 AM to pay their money, lay out their books, sell to workers, and still hold the sale from 12

The public will enter at 12:00 and shop until 3:00 PM. All shoppers will pay $1 to enter to offset the cost of building expense.
Identify books as you prefer, but please label everything for your own protection. You will handle all sales and all monies so have plenty of one dollar bills on hand.

Free items from the outside tables must be taken out to the car before entering.

Each seller may sell as soon as you are set up and you may leave after you break down your table and return it to our storage closet.


PEACH Plano Educational Association of Christian Homeschoolers


RHSA’s Annual Used Book Sale!

Friday May 2, 2014 6:00 to 8:30pm

Location: Waterview Church of Christ, 1409 N. Waterview Drive, Richardson, TX 75080. (West side of Waterview between Arapaho and Campbell)

There will be hundreds and hundreds of books for homeschooling:
Student texts, teacher’s guides and more from a wide variety of publishers
How-to books on homeschooling and many other topics for parents and children
Other resources, such as maps, math manipulatives, visual aids, and learning games
Sorted into grade levels and categories to make it easy to find your way

RHSA members and non-members can sell: Materials drop-off time is between 3:00pm and 5:00pm on Friday afternoon. See the Book Sale Flyer for important information on how to prepare materials for sale.

RHSA members and non-members can buy: The sale starts at 6:00pm and runs until 8:30. All prices are in whole dollars. You will pay the sellers  directly by either writing checks or paying cash. Bring lots of $1 bills because no change will be made (trust us, it just works much more smoothly that way). See the Book Sale Flyer for important information on how to prepare to have a good buying experience at the sale.

We will have a membership sign-up table at the meeting for non-members wishing to join RHSA.

Come to find the books you need for less money. Come to browse. Come to fellowship with other home school parents.

We hope to see you there!

RHSA Richardson Home School Association


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