I know you are thinking about the many events on your May calendar.  However, if you are homeschooling, and you are wondering if you can do one more year, if it really matters what you are doing day by day, and you need some inspiration– Attend a Homeschool Graduation.  Believe me you will be more inspired than attending a conference if you see the end result of homeschooling.  Here is a list of graduations throughout Texas.  The Houston area conferences are covered in our regional page: http://g-hah.org

May 23 at 2PM,
Ice House Event Center
Athens Texas



Austin Area Homeschoolers (AAH)
Saturday,  May 23, 2015 from 1-3PM
Ladybird Johnson Wildflower Center


One Day Academy Graduation
Saturday May 23, 2015 at 2:00 pm,
Reception following at 3:15pm
Great Hills Baptist Church
10500 Jollyville Rd.
Austin, TX 78759


Johnson County Home-School Graduation
May 30th at 3:00 PM
Cleburne Bible Church
414 N Main St
Cleburne, TX 76033

El Paso

Southwest Homeschooling Network
Friday the 22nd of May at 7pm
Mision de Gracia Church
1385 Northwestern Drive
El Paso, Texas 79912


May 16th at 4pm
Ridgecrest Baptist
6801 Wesley St
Greenville, TX 75402


If your group is having a graduation, please let us know and we will add it to this post.

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