Leeper Day June 9th
When Texas Home Educators went statewide from our regional roots, we asked Governor Greg Abbott for a proclamation declaring June 9th as Leeper Day. He gave us this wonderful Proclamation declaring June 9th as Leeper Day. Governor Abbott was on the Supreme Court in 1994 and a signator to the Leeper Decision. Every year, on June 9th, we encourage homeschool groups to go over the history of Texas Homeschool to understand that our freedoms continue as long as we stay vigilent.

Leeper Day at Splash Kingdom!
Our homeschool freedoms are based on the Leeper v. Arlington Supreme Court Case. This case lasted almost 10 years from when it was first filed in District Court. This class action case challenged the TEA and all the ISDs who were bringing up charges against families across Texas, arresting them for homeschooling their children. Since June 9, 1994. this case established that we are free to homeschool.

An Understanding of NHERI
Maybe you have heard something like this factual tidbit: Homeschool students score 15 to 30 percentile points higher on achievement tests, on average, than their public-school peers. It’s been cited in countless news stories online and in print, in interviews, legislative hearings, and court cases. But where do these statistics and other facts come from? They have been surveyed, compiled, and/or reviewed by NHERI over the past three decades. Check out the research at https://www.nheri.org/research-facts-on-homeschooling/

Leeper Day 2017
Do you know what day it is? It's June 9th, also known as Leeper Day. No, we don't go around leeping around our homes, or on bungie cords as one person thought when we told them about Leeper Day. Leeper Day is to memorialize the Texas Supreme Court Decision of June...

Celebrate Leeper Day on June 9th, 2016
Long, long ago (1985), in a land called Texas, 150 families who wanted to educate their very own children at home were arrested or threatened with arrest. Whether they felt this was a calling from God or best academically or socially for their very own children the...
More Leeper Day!
We were very blessed to have Georgetown Mayor Dale Ross declare today Leeper Day in Georgetown. You can see the video here. Just click "proclamations" on the right to skip to the presentation of the Proclamation. Georgetown Leeper Proclamation

Celebrate on Leeper Day!
Texas Home Educators announces that Governor Abbott has signed a proclamation declaring June 9th, 2015 as Leeper Day. Leeper is the Texas Supreme Court Decision, signed on June 9th 1994, that established homeschooling as unaccredited private schools in Texas.