When: April 10, 2015  7 PM-12 AM

Where: UT  Education and Conference Center 1900 University Avenue Austin, Texas 78705

Registration will open in January, but all the details are available at our newly redesigned website, www.christianhomeschoolformal.com. We’d love to know what you think—we’re hoping you’ll find it user-friendly! (If you see our old website when you put in the website, please refresh your browser)

You can contact us through the “contact us” form on the website or at chsformal@gmail.com. This is a NEW email address!

In addition, you can

Like us on facebook at Christian Homeschool Formal or

follow us on twitter at @homeschoolformal.

Review by a Mom: There is a dress code, formal attire required.   My boys went for the first time last year and enjoyed it.  In fact, they couldn’t wait until the next one.  They do require the kids to take dance lessons, well worth it since my two had never danced before.

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