Cowboy Homeschool Day 2022

Cowboy Homeschool Day 2022

Texas Home Educators is here to bring enhanced educational experiences to homeschoolers across Texas.  There were over 300 folks who attended last year, and we are having our Cowboy Homeschool Day again.  Below is our sheet, just print and  email to Hannah, or call...
To Label or Not to Label? This is the Question! Part 3

To Label or Not to Label? This is the Question! Part 3

So the complex question, “To Label or Not to Label” remains.  You must consider all the ramifications for your personal situation but my prayer is that, like my discovery years ago, you will find answers outside of the traditional labels that bring hope and help to your loved one.

Celebrate Leeper Day 2022 at Splash Kingdom

Celebrate Leeper Day 2022 at Splash Kingdom

Our homeschool freedoms are based on the Leeper v. Arlington Supreme Court Case.  This case lasted almost 10 years from when it was first filed in Tarrant County 17th State District Court.  This class action lawsuit challenged the TEA and all the ISDs who were...

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