How To Reduce Stress At Christmas

How To Reduce Stress At Christmas

Having reduced your monetary stress at Christmas, you will be in a much better position to tackle any potential relational stress over the holiday season. To do so effectively, it is important that you both set boundaries and reduce your expectations. Do not allow old hurts or issues to arise and refuse to be drawn into arguments old and new

What A Difference A Bit Of Gratitude Makes

What A Difference A Bit Of Gratitude Makes

Once you begin to understand these, chances are good that you’ll see why it’s so important to develop a grateful mindset. Gratitude can have a positive effect on both physical and mental health. Research has shown it to improve relaxation, sleep quality and energy levels.

9-11 Let’s Help Our Children Remember

9-11 Let’s Help Our Children Remember

Joanne E. Juren, B. A., M. Ed. mentioned that all the children, those under 18, do not know this event as a memory.  This had a profound effect on me.  That morning I was awake before the children and getting things done when a friend called and told me to turn on the...
THE Presents Renee Ellison Workshops in Austin

THE Presents Renee Ellison Workshops in Austin

Windsor Park Branch Library  5833 Westminster Dr., Austin, TX, 78723 Monday, August 5, 2019 – 10:15 AM to 2:15 PM THE Workshops are FREE, however the room only holds 50 so be sure to register here:
Foreign Language: Talent versus Perspiration: A Question of Talent

Foreign Language: Talent versus Perspiration: A Question of Talent

Interestingly, those who have put themselves in the “untalented with foreign languages” category or who for some reason feel that’s where they belong don’t usually have any difficulty expressing themselves in their native tongue. In that regard, their language acquisition skills seem to be on par with those in the so-called “talented” camp, because learning a language doesn’t call for any special skills. Being human is the only basic requirement.

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