Texas Home Educators and Fort Worth Homeschool Community Presents:

Is Homeschooling Just “a Good Choice” or Something More?
Why Homeschooling Might be the Best for Your Child
By: Brian D. Ray, Ph.D.
President of the National Home Education Research Institute

Date: June 17, 2020 (Wednesday) 1:00 pm–3:00 pm (doors open at 12:30pm)
Place: CERA – Corporate Employees Recreation Association
Address: 3300 Bryant Irvin Rd, Fort Worth, TX 76109
North of I20

Jessica Canady, Fort Worth Homeschool Community, email,
Jube Dankworth, COO of Texas Home Educators, email, 817-400-2692
Brian Ray – at NHERI, mail@nheri.org or 503-364-1490

Free Admission; Donations to National Home Education Research Institute Accepted
Dr. Ray will also have solid books and reports on homeschooling for sale.
RSVP: https://www.facebook.com/events/297606571265199/

Dr. Ray will help you carefully consider the following:

Whatever! Schooling is just “a choice”!
All the things professional educators dream of – homeschooling
What does the research say about academic achievement, socialization, and success in adulthood?
Challenges of homeschooling
Why not have your kids be a part of the 87% in State/public schools?
Tighten your belts as Dr. Ray hits this topic hard, fast, and with some statistics and a bit of humor.
Plenty of time for Q. and A. and discussion and even debate 


the curious
the critic
your friend
your pastor/elders
your children’s grandparents


Dr. Ray has been critically reviewing research in the area of home education for about 35 years. He is the founding editor of Home School Researcher, a quarterly peer-reviewed journal on home education; has published numerous articles on home education in professional journals (e.g., Peabody Journal of Education, Educational Leadership), Christianity Today, and The Old Schoolhouse magazine; has been interviewed by numerous radio, print, and television media, including two appearances on the “NBC Today Show” with presidents of the National Education Association; is a former professor of education at the undergraduate and graduate levels; is a former classroom teacher in private and public schools; and takes a logical and friendly approach to home education. His Ph.D. is in science education from Oregon State University. His newest books are Home Educated and Now Adults and Worldwide Guide to Homeschooling (available online www.nheri.org). Dr. and Mrs. Ray homeschooled all of their eight children (and they have eleven grandchildren), and live on a small farm in western Oregon.


If you have an interest in or concern about the “outcomes of home education,” think that homeschooling is bad for society (or good for society), or you are a veteran homeschooler who just needs a little morale boost, you won’t want to miss this presentation. Good books and other relevant resources on child training and homeschooling will be available.


National Home Education Research Institute Salem, Oregon Free research news — www.nheri.org/connect.html

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