With the Texas Homeschool State Track & Field Championships happening in Hutto next weekend, we were very excited to have a chance to talk with Capitol Tonight about the vibrant Homeschool Sports happening in Texas.  See the whole segment here.

Our Director’s Board member, Nita Davidson and her son, Matthew, went out to the track for “visuals” for the segment.  As her daughter Katherine noted on Facebook: “Cargo shorts and Converse? Just note this was staged not at their true track practice which they have really early in the mornings where they would have track clothes and track shoes. This was in the afternoon.”

Texas Home Educators is a service organization whose goal is to enrich your child’s education opportunities.  We believe in serving the community by helping support groups as they help the many homeschool families in Texas.  THE promotes homeschool sports, music, arts, debate, robotics, science fairs, spelling bees, geography bees, graduations, proms and the many other community events accomplished without government oversight or money.  Texas Home Educators is here to serve the community as the groups and families decide what is important to their child’s education experience.

As Katherine, a homeschool graduate, noted: “I think it is funny that Republican Representative Tom Oliverson says he wants this bill to pass so homeschoolers will be more a part of their community. Excuse me?? First, we have our own community and if you listen to the kids they want to keep it.  Second,  if you want to see kids involved in their community don’t stick us in a classroom for our whole lives ?? Let us be out in our community if that is what we choose!”

“As a home schooler, I want to be on a home school team because that’s my thing,” Matthew Davidson said.    Matthew is on the Austin Royals Track and Field Team.

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