The Stockyard Rotary of Fort Worth are proud to announce the winner of their annual 4 Way Speech Contest is SavannaJo Flowers, a north Texas homeschool student..

Don Klick presenting SavannahJo Flowers with her scholarship
SavannaJo recounts: “When I first began to brainstorm and write this speech, it was quite difficult. My parents are really the people who helped me to succeed. Overall, it was a very encouraging experience that has definitely helped my fear of speaking. This scholarship will benefit my education greatly.”
Don Klick, who invited homeschoolers to the scholarship process, reported that “last year’s homeschool scholarship winner had a 4.0 grade point average at college and his scholarship would be renewed next year.”
Most of the scholarships from the Stockyard Rotary of Fort Worth are based on grade point average, thereby paid semester by semester as the grades are verified. However, this very active Rotary club has benefited many college students over their history with these scholarships of $6,000.
As SavannaJo mentioned: “As soon as I walked into Joe T. Garcia’s, my nerves were immediately eased. Everyone was smiling and wanted me to succeed. Throughout my afternoon there, I felt that I had made connections with wonderful, kind people so that when my time came to speak, I felt like I was sharing my ideas with a group friends and not being judged by a panel of distant strangers.”
The scholarship was broadcast to the north Texas homeschool area by Texas Home Educators, a statewide organization that serves the community with information about opportunities, events and scholarships.