Texas Home Educators is partnering with Reimagine Education Conference which is online and specifically set up for new homeschoolers. If you need more information for making a decision about the coming year, this is the conference for you. With tickets starting at $10, it is well worth the investment.  Click here to register!

Because of the Covid 19 sitauation in our world and our state, we have cancelled the Expos we were planning for DFW and Houston.  After much consideration, knowing the needs of Moms with so many coming into homeschooling for the first time.  We considere doing an online Expo, however we could not bring the talents and speakers that the Reimagine Education Conference can bring to our Texas Homeschoolers.

We hope you will take advantage of the low cost tickets, the great workshops and the many tracks they are offering over the week July 27 to August 1st.

One of the tracks is for the sports families.  They will explaining how to compete for the NCAA schoolarships.

Reimage Education

They have a Sped Track

Reimagine Education Conference

Family and Marriage While Homeschooling

With 63 Speakers over 6 days

You don’t want to miss this.

Consider it your in house Teacher In-Service

Register Here!

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