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There are many clubs in Texas, check the website for one near you or email Sarah to see about starting a Debate Club.

-Official wording for debate resolutions
-Affiliate forms will be up July 15th
-Do you have a club or class?
-New LD opportunities

Dear Texas Speech and Debate Family,

Wanted to let you all know that the official wording for debate resolutions has been released and posted to the website.

Team Policy Debate: Resolved: That the United States Federal Government should significantly change its policy toward India.

Lincoln Douglas Debate: Resolved: When in conflict, idealism ought to be valued above pragmatism.

The 2008-2009 NCFCA Affiliate forms should be posted to the website next week. You might want to take advantage of that early bird registration discount!!

Also, if you have a local speech and/or debate group, I would love to hear about it :o) Doesn’t matter if your group is open or closed, competes or not, I’d love to connect. As the NCFCA representative, I receive inquiries about communication opportunities for private schools and home school students across the state. I’d love to know what is working for you locally, so we can share every option with others. If you have a co-op, closed group, or a club that competes in NCFCA, I’d love the opportunity to hear more about it. I’m happy to maintain your privacy; however, others might want to organize a similar group…. so tell me what’s working for your club!!

Since I posted camp information, we have had two new opportunities for LD. I did want to make sure you were all aware… One in Texas, August 13-16 – www. citedebatecamp. com and one in Arkansas, August 14-15

Sarah Singleton
NCFCA TX State Rep

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