Windsor Park Branch Library
5833 Westminster Dr., Austin, TX, 78723
Monday, August 5, 2019 – 10:15 AM to 2:15 PM
THE Workshops are FREE, however the room only holds 50 so be sure to register here:
Teach Phonics Faster
A look at WHY we sit 24th in the world in reading test scores. A look into a child’s perspective on the job of decoding. And a look at how to employ some powerful learning hooks to initially get a child up and on the “reading bus” faster than we have ever done it before.
Twelve Optimal Ways to Trigger the Brain-with any subject matter
Discover the fastest route and the shortest distance for mastering new information. Innovative, jaw-dropping methods useful for any home educator. Tips that even teachers wish they had learned in their education majors, but didn’t. Come learn simple teacher secrets gained only by years and years of experience in the trenches with children who “don’t get it.” Just watch-you’ll be so fired up about gaining this bag of tricks, you’ll start using them tomorrow.
Homeschooling a Resistant Child: Diagnosis and strategies
Are daily battles with one or more resistant children over academics wearing you out? Often, a child will seem quite agreeable until you try to teach him or her something. Then the body language kicks up, sour expressions emerge, stubbornness sets in, and a general pathetic weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth begins. Chronic resistance to academics means something. We need to get at root causes in order to turn this daily duel into progressive energy that will result in a pleasant lifetime eagerness to learn.
There are basically nine reasons for academic resistance. If you can successfully target which one you’re dealing with, you’ll be able to achieve some pretty wonderful results. You’ll have the joy of seeing the resistance melt away.
About Renee Ellison 
Mrs. Ellison has more than 30 years of experience in the field of education-in Christian, private, secular, and home school settings. She home educated for nearly 20 years. Renee taught nearly all grade levels, was an elementary principal, head of a high school English department, was awarded Teacher of the Year, developed and ran gifted and talented programs, has conducted numerous teacher training workshops, and offers one-on-one mentoring of younger moms.
Renee invented a system for learning how to touch-type that has been sold worldwide, as has her similar system for learning how to play the piano. Renee and her husband are the parents of one child (more in heaven), and work together to create homeschool how-to’s and make them available to you.